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Find it! How to find resources at the library: Ebook Central

How to find all the library things

Introduction to Ebook Central

Most of ebooks in this platform are single user access - meaning that only one person at a time can read the book online. You can read a digital copy of the book from your computer or tablet without the need for additional software. 

You can Create an image PDF of a specific chapter or page range for any ebrary document (up to the same number of pages you can print on your ebrary site). You can then read the image PDF file offline on your computer using any standard PDF viewer.  You can also transfer the file to a mobile device or e-reader, including the Kindle.

  • Image PDF files don’t expire.
  • You cannot search text or make annotations in an image PDF.
  • When you download a pdf, you are limited to a specific number of pages per browser session.

How to Download an Book in Ebook Central

There are a few books that are available for an unlimited number of readers online in addition to the option to download the ebook, like The Do's: Osteopathic Medicine in America. The access note will state unlimited users and the Available for Download option will be displayed in ebrary. Ebrary requires you to also install additional software ( Adobe Digital Editions or the BlueFire app) on your mobile device.


Step One: Create an ebray account:

(Remember, most books are not available for for download.)

After you select Available for Download, you will be prompted to register for a personal account. Ebrary required you to create a personal account in order to download the ebook. The username/password you select to register for an account should NOT be your DMU credentials.

  1. Click the Sign-in button in the upper right corner.
  2. On the Sign In page, click Create an account. Please do not register for an account with your DMU credentials. Pick a new username and password.

  3. Complete the form, and then click Create New Account.

Step 2: Choose a download device and set up additioanl software. For more information, see the video and read the directions linked below: