There are a few books that are available for an unlimited number of readers online in addition to the option to download the ebook, like The Do's: Osteopathic Medicine in America. The access note will state unlimited users and the Available for Download option will be displayed in ebrary. Ebrary requires you to also install additional software ( Adobe Digital Editions or the BlueFire app) on your mobile device.

Step One: Create an ebray account:
(Remember, most books are not available for for download.)
After you select Available for Download, you will be prompted to register for a personal account. Ebrary required you to create a personal account in order to download the ebook. The username/password you select to register for an account should NOT be your DMU credentials.

- Click the Sign-in button in the upper right corner.
- On the Sign In page, click Create an account. Please do not register for an account with your DMU credentials. Pick a new username and password.

- Complete the form, and then click Create New Account.
Step 2: Choose a download device and set up additioanl software. For more information, see the video and read the directions linked below: