The Library uses the NLM classification system for cataloging our books. A few helpful tips for when you are reading a call number:
- All letters are kept in alphabetical order and alphabetized as if they were a word.
- Nothing comes before something. Ex: A1 comes before AA1, C45 comes before C45a.
- Read each line as follows:
- First line is read as if it were a word.
- Second line is read as a whole number.
- Third line begins with letters that are read as if they were a word, followed by numbers that are read as a decimal point, reading the numbers place by place. Ex.: C745 comes before C8. Letters that follow numbers are read as if they were a word.
- There may be a fourth line comprised of letters and numbers. Follow the same rules as the third line.
- Subsequent line is the year of publication.
- Subsequent line may list volume numbers.
Preclinical Sciences:
- QS Human Anatomy
- QT Physiology
- QU Biochemistry. Cell Biology and Genetics
- QV Pharmacology
- QW Microbiology and Immunology
- QX Parasitology
- QY Clinical Pathology
- QZ Pathology
Medicine and Related Subjects:
- W General Medicine. Health Professions
- WA Public Health
- WB Practice of Medicine
- WC Communicable Diseases
- WD Disorders of Systemic, Metabolic, or Environmental Origin, etc.
- WE Musculoskeletal System
- WF Respiratory System
- WG Cardiovascular System
- WH Hemic and Lymphatic Systems
- WI Digestive System
- WJ Urogenital System
- WK Endocrine System
- WL Nervous System
- WM Psychiatry
- WN Radiology. Diagnostic Imaging
- WO Surgery
- WP Gynecology
- WQ Obstetrics
- WR Dermatology
- WS Pediatrics
- WT Geriatrics. Chronic Disease
- WU Dentistry. Oral Surgery
- WV Otolaryngology
- WW Ophthalmology
- WX Hospitals and Other Health Facilities
- WY Nursing
- WZ History of Medicine. Medical Miscellany
- 19th Century Schedule
Need an overview of the classification so you can browse for a specific content area? Take a look at the NLM Classification Poster: