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New Students: Welcome

Resources and tools for new students


Welcome to the DMU Library



Chat with Us!

Meet Rex, our chatbot! He is helpful for answering basic questions. He can also connect you to a live librarian if he can't answer your question. 

Live chat is available Mon-Fri 8am-4pm, but Rex is available all of the time. Try him out!

Look for his icon in the bottom left hand corner of your screen.

Favorite Tools

Find Us

Find the Library:

Library materials can be found in the Library Collections Room across from Multicultural Affairs and next to the Solutions Hub on the second floor of Edge of Advancement.

Find the Library Staff:

CEE Staff offices are located in the Student Resources area with Financial Aid, Admissions, the Registrar, Student Affairs, and Global Health.

CEE includes the Library, Academic Support, and Continuing Medical Education.

Smart Lockers

Some of our circulating materials are available for checkout from the Smart Lockers by the Solutions Hub. These items checkout 24/7 even when the library is closed.

Interlibrary Loan

Can't find an article, journal, or book?

We can borrow it from another library! 

Just put in a request for an interlibrary loan, and we will do our best to get it for you. Email with questions.

Library Services

DMU Library is full of resources. This guide includes helpful links and resources that we hope you find useful as a new student.

The Library Collections Room houses physical materials including: 

  • all required and recommended texts
  • print journalsLibrary Collections Room 2024
  • print books
  • graphic novels
  • anatomical models
  • sound cancelling headphones
  • study aids
  • white boards & markers
  • games & puzzles

We have a vast online presence with databases and online resources for you including:

  • all required and recommended texts as ebooks or e-resources (when possible)
  • online journals
  • newspaper subscriptions
  • videos
  • ebooks (textbooks and leisure)
  • study sites
  • practice exams

Plus, we have a dedicated group of librarians and staff who are here to answer your questions, help you find materials, and make sure the materials are here for you when you need them. We love your questions, so please don't hesitate to ask us for help or ask if there is something you are curious about!

Images of Library Staff members

Did you know?

The Center for Educational Enhancement (CEE) contains the Library, Academic Support, and Continuing Medical Education. All three departments work together to help you have a successful academic journey at DMU.

Fun Perks

Ebooks and Eaudiobooks

Films, documentaries, and movies

Library Assistance

Using Library Materials

LibGuides by Program

Popular Guides and Resources

Research Resources