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Endnote (Basic): Organize your References

The free, online version of EndNote is perfect for most of your basic citation needs

Creating Groups (Folders) & Moving References Between Groups

This video will show you how to move citations between groups and how to create or delete existing groups.

Duplicate Citations

Duplicate records may present a problem when you try to access these citation records in MS Word. You want to have only one instance of a citation within a group. This video below will show you how to run a search for duplicate records and how to decide whether or not to keep the duplicate record in your library.

Its OK to have duplicates within your library at large, existing in different groups.  And this may be a necessary organizational strategy if you are conducting a systematic review and wish to have EndNote keep track of how many citations you retrieved from each database. 

But within a single group, its better to have only once instance of a citation.

Next Steps

Now that you have all your data organized and ready to go to your library, its time to start writing and citing! 

  • If you have the Write While You Cite Plug-in installed and plan to use MS Word, see the "In-text Citations and Works Cited References in MS Word."
  • If you are using a tablet computer, or just need to generate a bibliography from EndNote, then see the "Creating Bibliographies in EndNote" section of this guide.