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Endnote (Basic): Add Citations

The free, online version of EndNote is perfect for most of your basic citation needs

Adding / Importing Citations into EndNote

There are two recommended options for getting citations into your EndNote library.

Option 1:  Export.  Some databases have specific export utilities that code the citation data correctly and then allow either a direct export into EndNote, or allow you to download a file that you can import into your EndNote library.  Databases, where this approach is recommended, include EBSCOhost, ProQuest, and Scopus.  New PubMed also requires a file export.

Option 2: Capture References. This browser plugin will scrape citation information from a web page. This feature works very well with the legacy version of PubMed and some websites.

After you import citations into your library, the next step is to keep them happy and organized.  See the next section of this guide to learn about creating folders, moving references between folders, and managing duplicate records.

Unfortunately, the  Capture References feature does not work with the New PubMed.  Trust us! Watch the video to learn about the workaround until the new PubMed and EndNote become more compatible.  

Next Steps

Now that your data is in your library, you need to learn a few tricks to keep your data organized and easy to find. Read the next section of this guide, "Organize Your References" to learn more.

Cochrane Library

Step 1: Select citations of interest, then export selected citation(s).

export selected


Step 2: Export to RIS (EndNote)


select RIS EndNote


Step 3

Open EndNote Basic.  Select Collect from the main menu, and then Import References.



Step 4

Locate the file you just downloaded from Cochrane. Be sure to select "Cochrane Library" as your import option, and then select the folder you want the references to move to.

find file and select import option "cochrane_library"



EBSCOhost Databases

Ebscohost databases include: Business Source Complete, Cinahl, Global Health, and Medline!

ProQuest Databases

Step 1

The simplest way to export citations from a ProQuest article citation database to Endnote Basic, is to check articles of interest, then save and RIS file.

check citations then save and RIS file


Step 2

Save the text file on your computer, then import the RIS file into EndNote.

save RIS text file and then import into EndNote

Step 3

Open EndNote Basic.  Select Collect from the main menu, and then Import References.


Step 4

Locate the file you just downloaded from ProQuest. Be sure to select "Refman RIS" as your import option, and then select the folder you want the references to move to.

import RefMan RIS file

Google Scholar

To work with GoogleScholar, you first need to have a Google Account.  From the Settings, find the option for the Bibliography Manager.  Select Endnote from drop down menu.

choose settings

select bibliography manager

When you search Scholar, you will then see the EndNote as an import option. 

import to endnote

After you click 'import into Endnot' you can download a compatible file. 

Go to your Endnote online account.  Choose Collect > Import References.  You need to find the file, and tell Endnote you have an EndNote compatible file to import. Finally, choose what group you want to import the references into.




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