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Healthcare Administration (MHA): Find Journal Articles

Resources for MHA Students

Library Discovery: Find Journals & Journal Articles

Find Journal Articles

If you don't know a lot about your topic, or if you need a broader overview, you may want to start with a resource that summarizes or synthesizes available research (secondary information resources).

To locate original research (primary literature), try our Discovery service. You can search all of the library article citation databases at one time. Or you can search one of the databases listed below.  Please contact the library if you need assistance locating the appropriate database for your research needs. 

Important: When using the Ebsohost or ProQuest databases, remember to limit your searches to "peer reviewed".  PubMed journals are almost exclusively peer reviewed so you don't need to worry about your results in this database.

Find Journals

When you have a journal you want to browse, try one of these options. All of the librarys ejournal collections are here!  If you are conducting a literature review, or you are looking for articles on a topic, then you want to search a journal citation database like Pubmed. See the "Journals & Ejournals" tab on this guide to learn more.


Option1: Library Discovery System.

Search for the title of the journal. Click on 'Access Journal' to see the platforms and years of coverage. 

Find Journal titles

Option 2:  Browzine