Account creation and access to Exam Master is only available through the Library website.
Please do not Google your way to the company website and then create an account. You need to use the customized link to Exam Master provided by the library.

- If you already created an account directly with the company using your DMU email, you will longer be able to create an account from the library link using your DMU email. You have two options. 1. Contact the library so we can arrange for your account to be affiliated with DMU. 2. Create a new account using a non-DMU email.
- If you forget your user name or password, follow the on-screen instructions and they will be emailed to you.
- Once logged in, click on your name in the upper left side bar to access your account information and to customize your password, monitor resolution, font size, and the time allowed per question for exams you create
If you are unable to access your account for any reason, please contact the library. We can verify whether or not you have an account, initiate a password re-set, and fix other technical issues.