ClinialKey is mobile friendly - no app is necessary. If your mobile device/browser supports HTML, cookies, and JavaScript, you can use the library's links to ClinicalKey from the web browser on your mobile device. You will still need a WiFi connection to use the app. The content does not download to your device. If you access ClinicalKey from your browser. you don't have the extra steps of creating an account and having to re-authenticate. However, if you prefer the app:
Please note, You will have only 60 minutes to respond to the validation email though so make sure you complete this process immediately! Now that you have a personal account...
Looking for specific types of information in the app, like Clinical Overviews or Procedure videos? Do you want to search for content in specific categories? You can filter your results after a search or you can pre-select the content you wish to use up front.
1. Click on the three lines (menu bar). Select Browse.
You can now search specifically for information within the drug monographs, ebooks, or surgical videos portions of this resource.