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You can listen to audiobooks within your web browser by using Listen Now. Please note that you cannot save Listen Now books to your hard drive for offline listening. If you want to listen to your audiobooks offline, you'll need to download the Boundless mobile app and download the title to your mobile device.
First, find the audiobook you want to check out. Titles in audiobook format will display with a set of headphones in the upper left corner of the page.
Click on the Checkout button.
Once the checkout is complete, you can click on Listen Now to listen to your audiobook in a new tab. Please note that you must have pop-ups enabled in order for the Listen Now title to open in a new tab. If you'd rather listen to your audiobook later, you can find it within My Stuff.
Navigation controls are located below the jacket image. Hover your mouse over the top of the page to access Table of Contents, adjust Playback Speed, create bookmarks, and set a set a sleep timer.
What devices can I use?
Use the playback controls (1) to:
Please note that you can also use the slider option (2) at the bottom of the screen to move forward or backward within the current chapter of your audiobook.
Click on the hamburger menu (3) in the upper left-hand corner of the listener to access the Table of Contents. You can scroll up and down the table of contents to find the portion of the audiobook you’re interested in. Click on the chapter name to go directly to that place in your audiobook.
Click on the stopwatch (4) in the right-hand navigation bar to adjust the audio speed. Use the slider to slow down or speed up the playback speed. To return the audio speed back to the default level, select 1x.
Click on the ribbon (5) to manage your bookmarks. Click the plus icon to add a bookmark. Go directly to a previously saved bookmark by clicking on the bookmark. You can delete an existing bookmark by clicking on the trash can icon.
Click on the moon (6) to set a sleep timer to ensure that your audiobook automatically stops playing at a pre-determined time.
Please note that 'End' refers to the end of the chapter.
Click on the information icon (7) to access the help menu with relative articles.
Access your audiobook’s Table of Contents (TOC) by hovering over the upper left side of your browser and then clicking the Menu icon. The menu will expand. If your audiobook contains linkable chapter stops for your TOC, it will display here. You can scroll up and down the TOC to find the portion of the audiobook you’re interested in. Click on the chapter name to go directly to that place in your audiobook.
To create a bookmark or view bookmarks you’ve already saved, click on the bookmark icon (1) in the upper right corner of your screen. The Add Bookmark panel will display. Click the plus icon (2) to add your bookmark. Go directly to a previously saved bookmark by clicking on the bookmark link (3). You can delete an existing bookmark by clicking on the trash can icon (4).
You can control the playback speed of your eAudiobook player by clicking on the stopwatch icon (1), located in the upper right corner of your screen. Use the slider (2) to slow down the playback to 0.5 times, or to increase it by two or three times. To return the audio speed back to the default level, select 1x.
You can set a sleep timer to ensure that your audiobook automatically stops playing at a pre-determined time. Click the moon icon (1) to bring up the sleep timer. Use the slider (2) to select when you want your audiobook to automatically stop playing in 15 minutes, 30 minutes, one hour, or at the end of the current chapter. Slide the timer back to Off to turn it off entirely.