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Preceptors (Clinical Instructors)


Since most journals and select ebooks are available to the Preceptor community, our Discovery service may be an easy way to search for digital materials in one place. However, please be advised, that you will not be able to access every resource from this platform.  If you are denied access when you try to log in with your DMU credentials, it means that the specific resource you are trying to access is not available to our preceptor community. This is due to licensing restrictions by our publishers. Please contact the library if you have questions about a specific journal, journal article, or book.

Library Discovery: Find Journals & Journal Articles


Search for Journal Articles by Topic

While Pubmed may be the most well known citation database for the biomedical literature, the library does provide other databases which provide coverage to the literature of related disciplines, like behavioral health or environmental studies.

Please note, while PubMed is a free resource provided by the National Library of Medicine, the DMU library has a customized link that enables a DMU library icon to display on every record in PubMed. Once in PubMed, click on the purple button to easily connect to the library's ejournal collection.

Looking for Specific Journal Articles?

Are you conducting a literature review? You can connect to the library's journal subscriptions within each article citation database. 

Look for a DMU purple icon or text that reads "Find it @ DMU Library." If we subscribe to the journal you will be directed to the publisher site. If we do not have a subscription then you will have the option to order through Interlibrary Loan.

Example 1 (Scopus):


Example 2: (Cinahl on Ebsco)


Example 3: PubMed