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Preceptors (Clinical Instructors)

Library Databases with Images, Videos, or Audio Content for Preceptors

There is no one single place to search for images or videos. This content is embedded in various publishing platforms. If you need help locating an image or video for your work, please contact the library and we'll be happy to help.

New England Journal of Medicine - Interactive Medical Cases

Publishers don't always set things up to make it easy for institutional subscribers to access their materials. This is one of those times. If you want to access the interactive medical cases from the NEJM, please watch the video or written directions.

Written Directions:

Step 1: Access NEJM from the library URL.

Step 2: Create a personal account on the NEJM site. This account is not associated with DMU in any way.

Step 3: Log off from your personal account. Clear the cookies from your browser.  

Step 4: Access NEJM directly  - not from the library

Step 5: Sign in to your personal account 

You should now be ae able to view the clinical cases.

New England Journal of Medicine

Free Resources Online

Medical Images

Just because an image or video is available online, does not mean that you may copy or utilize the image without permission. Images may be reproduced for educational purposes, but double-check the copyright or terms of use statement from the author.  Even when images are freely available for re-use, proper attribution conventions still apply. Please cite your resources appropriately in your research and presentations. 

General images

These image databases offer images of general topics and are not specific to medical images. Please review the licenses before using them.