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PubMed: Home

The premier journal article citation database for the biomedical sciences

What is PubMed?

Nerdy fun fact:  While Medline and PubMed are often used as interchangeable terms, they are technically not the same thing. Medline is the largest component (approximately 90%) of PubMed. More specifically, Medline is the portion of PubMed that has been indexed with MeSH (medical subject headings).  You can also search the Medline file on other platforms. Alternate options for searching Medline:

  • Medline on Ebsco. This could be convenient if you also want to search another database, like Business Source Complete, at the same time.
  • Scopus also includes the Medline file.  This resource also includes citations from Embase.

Browzine & LibKey Nomad - Another Option for Access to Journals from the library

LibKey Nomad is a browser extension for Google Chrome that provides instant links to full text content for articles as you do research on the web.
Nomad figures out the fastest path to  library or open access content across thousands of publisher websites. Special enhancement is also
performed in-line on sites like PubMed!  LIbKey is brought to you by the same folks who created Browzine.

screenshot libkey


Set up is Easy!

1. Using your Google Chrome browser, visit

2. Click "Add to Chrome"

libgkey nomad in google store




3. Search for and select Des Moines University in the drop down menu.

Once installed, you can adjust your options/settings so LIbKey is active all the time or ony when you want the add in enabled in services like PubMed.

libkey in pubmed