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Clinical Medicine II: SKIPPS: Start Here

Links to databases and other resources you can use to get the information you need on your diagnosis.

Clinical Medicine II: SKIPPS

Below are six options for resources you can use to get the information you need on your diagnosis. We recommend starting with broad search terms and narrowing from there. You may need to search in more than one resource to get a complete picture. 

Many of these library resources were introduced in the Medical Informatics and Translational Learning course, and now it's your turn to put them to use. 

Journal: American Family Physician

Enter your diagnosis in the search bar at the top of the screen:

search for "migraine children"

5 Minute Consult

5 Minute Consult logo

Search "Diseases & Conditions" to locate information on diagnosis, treatment, ongoing care, patient education/handouts, and more. Print or email results using the buttons on the top right.

Abdominal Migraine page example

E-book: Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics

Enter your diagnosis as a search term at the top of the screen:

search bar for the Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics

Digital Resource: UpToDate

Simply type in your diagnosis! Please note that UptoDate is a link-heavy resource, so you may need to toggle between multiple windows as you review labs, treatment, etc. for your diagnosis. 

Database: PubMed

PubMed has tons of content, some of which will not be useful to you for the SKIPPS exercise (results of clinical trials, for example). To make sure you find articles that cover labs and treatment, limit your results to "review" (not to be confused with "systematic review"):

PubMed review limiter

You may also consider limiting your results to recent years since you'll want the most up-to-date information on your diagnosis. 

Digital Resource: VisualDX

Search by symptom or diagnosis. This is an image-rich resource.