All Reserve items, including books, bones, anatomical models, and study aids are located behind the circulation desk. Items in the Board Review collection are located behind the circulation desk as well. Older, print journal collections and items in our DMU collection can be found on open shelves in the library. Items in Recommended course books, Faculty Development materials, Medical Humanities books and our Leisure Reading materials are located near the library catalog computers next to the Circulation Desk.
- Please present your student ID badge at the circulation desk to check out materials.
- Please return or renew items on or before the date or time they are due.
- Items that are due on a certain day, but not at a certain time, can be returned either to the circulation desk or to the book drop, which is located right outside the Library entrance.
- When returning Reserve materials, please be sure to bring items to the circulation desk so that they can be checked in at the time they are returned.
- In rare cases when staff is not present for an extended period of time during staffed circulation hours, materials located behind the circulation desk, such as textbooks, whiteboards, headphones, and anatomical models, are not available for checkout. You can request any print materials by filling out an ILL request during this time.
- Please do not remove any item from the library without first checking it out. In the rare case when the circulation staff is not staffed for an extended period of time, please email