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Using Rex, our Library Chatbot: Welcome

How to use our chatbot


Meet Rex

Meet Rex, our Library Chatbot!

Rex is a chatbot who is designed to help answer your basic questions. He does not use Chat GPT or AI. He is always online and can connect you to live DMU librarians during business hours.

chat button graphic: skeleton with "ask me" book   Look for Rex near the bottom left hand corner of the page.

Common questions

How did Rex get his name?

Rex the chatbot was named after our skeleton model in the Library Collections Room. We have adopted Rex as our library mascot. We love him and hope you do, too!


When should I submit a question through the chatbot?

Anytime! Rex will search for answers through our FAQs. If he can't find an answer, he will ask you if you want to chat with a librarian or submit a ticket.

During business hours (Mon-Fri 8am-4pm), a DMU Librarian will be connected to chat to answer your question. If it is not during business hours, or a librarian is unavailable, Rex will ask if you want to submit your question as a ticket for the librarians to answer the next day.


How should I submit my question? Chat, Ask Us (tickets), email, text... there's so many!

What type of question do you have? We love your questions, so please ask us!

If it is a short question, then using chat is great! Librarians are online and can quickly answer your question.

If it is a longer in-depth research question, we might need more time to track down resources for you. While you may start your question as a chat, we may create a ticket for you so we can follow up.

If you need an answer right away, a phone call or chat is the way to go.


What's the difference between the chatbot and live chat?

The chatbot is always available to help you. It provides answers for basic questions like our location, hours, a link for scheduling research appointments, etc. If you can't find what you need, there is a link to chat with a live librarian. If the librarians aren't available, you will be asked to submit a ticket, and we will get back to you during business hours as soon as we can.

Live chat connects you to a DMU librarian who can answer your question. Chat is similar to an email, but it is a little bit faster. Our live chat hours are Mon-Fri 8am-4pm.


Something not working? Have an idea? Email us at We love your feedback!