In partnership with Lexicomp®, UpToDate includes more than 5,800 in-depth drug monographs. These monographs are searchable - just enter your drug term into the search box to find the monograph, or topical overview of the drug of interest. Each monograph includes doses for adult, pediatric and geriatric patients.
In addition to the monographs, you can also search for drug interactions. The Drug Interactions database is a "Drug-Drug, Drug-Herb, and Herb-Herb analysis tool

The UptoDate partnership with LexiComp includes drug information in the following categories:
- General drug information
- International drug information (concise)
- Patient drug information
- Pediatric drug information
"Drug Interactions: A Drug-Drug, Drug-Herb, and Herb-Herb analysis tool, provided by Wolters Kluwer Clinical Drug Information utilizing Lexicomp clinical content.
Lexi-Interact Online combines literature and scientific understanding of drug interactions throughout the world with a state-of-the-art electronic platform, providing an efficient way to help inform healthcare professionals about adverse drug events that otherwise can compromise the care of patients.
Review all interactions for a selected medication or enter a patient specific regimen to analyze for potential interactions. Additionally, you may select a drug interaction result to obtain specific information on Patient Management, Interacting Members, Risk Rating, References and more."