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Des Moines University Medical and Health Sciences Library homepage

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Government agency website content is currently in flux due to executive orders and judicial injunctions. The DMU Library will continue to strive towards the provision of alternate or archived links to evidence-based information when possible as this situation continues to evolve.
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Where is your favorite place to study?
Treehouse: 0 votes (0%)
Sailboat: 0 votes (0%)
Beach: 0 votes (0%)
Pillowfort: 0 votes (0%)
Bed: 0 votes (0%)
Quiet Library: 2 votes (100%)
Coffee Shop: 0 votes (0%)
Desk: 0 votes (0%)
Secret Laboratory: 0 votes (0%)
In the Woods: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 2
Visible Body Flashcards

Create flashcards through Visible Body. Use the premade decks or customize your own decks. You can even share your flashcards with your friends. If you don't have a course log-in already, you can create one through the library. Check out our libguide for instructions.

BioArt Source

BioArt Source began as an initiative at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in an effort to ensure quality and accuracy in the images used for scientific and medical figures, presentations, websites, and materials. Medical illustrators, biomedical visualization specialists, and subject matter experts have contributed to the creation of these images.

Kanopy, video streaming database

Stream free documentaries and movies with Kanopy's film collections!

Citation Review

The library is now offering citation review services! If you need your citations reviewed, check out our guide for instructions on how to submit your citations to the library for review.

Checkout games in the Library Collections Room

Did you know that the Library has card games, board games, and puzzles for checkout? Borrow a game to play with your friends!

Overdrive has arrived! Borrow ebooks and audiobooks with the Libby app. Find our library by searching "Des Moines University" or "Mobius Consortium" and signing in with your SSO!!

Needing extra practice with surgical knot-tying? Checkout a knot-tying board. Boards checkout for 2 hours.

Choose from 110+ languages to learn including rare and indigenous languages. Transparent Languages also includes English for non-native English speakers.

Doctor of Podiatric Medicine Libguide

Looking for specific resources for your DPM courses, tests, and experiences? Check out our guide with study resources, point-of-care resources, board review resources and more, all tailored to the DPM experience!

Master of Science in Anatomy Libguide

Looking for specific resources for your MSA courses, tests, and experiences? Check out our guide with study resources, point-of-care resources, board review resources and more, all tailored to the MSA experience!

Master Public Health Libguide

Looking for specific resources for your MPH courses, tests, and experiences? Check out our guide with study resources, point-of-care resources, board review resources and more, all tailored to the MPH experience!

Doctor of Physical Therapy Libguide

Looking for specific resources for your DPT courses, tests, and experiences? Check out our guide with study resources, point-of-care resources, board review resources and more, all tailored to the DPT experience!

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Libguide

Looking for specific resources for your DO courses, tests, and experiences? Check out our guide with study resources, point-of-care resources, board review resources and more, all tailored to the DO experience!

Doctor of Occupational Therapy Libguide

Looking for specific resources for your OTD courses, tests, and experiences? Check out our guide with study resources, point-of-care resources, board review resources and more, all tailored to the OTD experience!

Physician Assistant Libguide

Looking for specific resources for your PA courses, tests, and experiences? Check out our guide with study resources, point-of-care resources, board review resources and more, all tailored to the PA experience!

Master of Health Administration Libguide

Looking for specific resources for your MHA courses, tests, and experiences? Check out our guide with study resources, point-of-care resources, board review resources and more, all tailored to the MHA experience!

various newspapers are available to access online

DMU Library subscribes to several online newspapers and popular publications. Check it out!

Please return library books and materials after hours in our book drop to the east of the Library Collections Room by the cross-sectional body model.

Text a question to the library 515-619-6477

Text a question to the library at 515-619-6477, and we will text an answer back to you.

New Arrivals on Overdrive/Libby!


Check out these new ebooks and audiobooks!

Interested in more titles? Browse more audiobook titles here.

Burnout Immunity by Kandi Wiens

Burnout Immunity: How Emotional Intelligence Can Help You Build Resilience and Heal Your Relationship with Work

An essential guide to protect yourself from burnout by learning to develop and master key emotional intelligence skills

This is your brain on music by Daniel J. Levitin

This Is Your Brain on Music: The Science of a Human Obsession

Whether you load your iPod with Bach or Bono, music has a significant role in your life—even if you never realized it. Why does music evoke such powerful moods? The answers are at last be- coming clear, thanks to revolutionary neuroscience and the emerging field of evolutionary psychology. 

Everything is Tuberculosis by John Green

Everything is Tuberculosis: The History and Persistence of Our Deadliest Infection

John tells Henry’s story, woven through with the scientific and social histories of how tuberculosis has shaped our world—and how our choices will shape the future of tuberculosis.

Spook by Mary Roach

Spook: Science Tackles the Afterlife

"What happens when we die? Does the light just go out and that's that--the million-year nap? Mary Roach brings her tireless curiosity to bear on an array of contemporary and historical soul-searchers: scientists, schemers, engineers, mediums, all trying to prove (or disprove) that life goes on after we die.

Grace Hopper: Queen of Computer Code by Laurie Wallmark

Grace Hopper: Queen of Computer Code

 Who was Grace Hopper? A software tester, workplace jester, cherished mentor, ace inventor, avid reader, naval leader--AND rule breaker, chance taker, and troublemaker. 

Outspoken by Veronica Rueckert

Outspoken: Why Women's Voices Get Silenced and How to Set Them Free

A big think, conversation-changing book, full of practical advice, about how women can learn to claim the power of their voices in the workplace and at home, and what needs to change so they can finally be heard.

All In Her Head by Misty Pratt

All In Her Head: How Gender Bias Harms Women's Mental Health

This provocative, deeply personal book explores how women experience mental health care differently than men—and lays out how the system must change for women to flourish.

Too Much by Rachel Vorona Cote

Too Much: How Victorian Constraints Still Bind Women Today

A woman who is Too Much is a woman who reacts to the world with ardent intensity is a woman familiar to lashes of shame and disapproval, from within as well as without. TOO MUCH encourages women to reconsider the beauty of their excesses-emotional, physical, and spiritual. 

The Sirens' Call by Chris Hayes

The Sirens' Call: How Attention Became the World's Most Endangered Resource

We all feel it—the distraction, the loss of focus, the addictive focus on the wrong things for too long. We bump into the zombies on their phones in the street, and sometimes they’re us.

When Bad Things Happen to Good People by Harold Kushner

When Bad Things Happen to Good People

Harold Kushner’s three-year-old son was diagnosed with a degenerative disease that meant the boy would only live until his early teens. Years later, Kushner wrote this straightforward contemplation of the doubts and fears that arise when tragedy strikes. 

The Secret Lives of Introverts by Jenn Granneman

The Secret Lives of Introverts: Inside Our Hidden World

Is there a hidden part of you that no one else sees? Drawing from scientific research, in-depth interviews with experts and other introverts Granneman reveals the clockwork behind the introvert's mind--and why so many people get it wrong initially. 

The Case for Rage by Myisha Cherry

The Case for Rage: Why Anger is Essential to Anti-Rascist Struggle

When it comes to injustice, especially racial injustice, rage isn't just an acceptable response-it's crucial in order to fuel the fight for change.

Speak WIth No Fear by Mike Acker

Speak with No Fear

Public speaking is the #1 fear in America. Millions of people are terrified at the prospect of going up on stage and addressing a crowd even more than they're afraid of death. 

Project Management for the Unofficial Project Manager by Kory Kogon

Project Management for the Unofficial Project Manager (Updated and Revised Edition)

Change the way you think about project management — project manager may not be your official title or necessarily your dream job, but with the right strategies, you can excel.

Comebacks at Work by Kathleen Kelley Reardon

Comebacks at Work: Using Conversation to Master Confrontation

A "lively, encouraging" guide to handling bullies and difficult personalities in the workplace (Publishers Weekly).

Spark by Chris Mettler

Spark: 24 Concepts to Ignite, Unstick, or Supercharge Your Work Life

Part manifesto, part self-help guide, Spark is for anyone who has to be resilient and tap into the fire (or inferno!) inside of them to overcome a challenge. The goal of this book is to help you overcome whatever obstacles stand between you and the life you want to live.

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