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Visible Body Courseware: Home

An overview of how to access and navigate a course in Visible Body. If you do not have a log in, you can access through the Library course.

What You'll Find in This Guide

This guide provides a general overview of how to access and navigate a course in Visible Body. It focuses on two applications that are regularly used in DMU courses: Anatomy & Physiology (A & P) and Human Anatomy Atlas, both of which have useful study features. 

Use the tabs on the top to navigate through the guide.

First-year students will be enrolled in courses using Visible Body. Your professor will send you an invitation to the courseware. 

For all other users, if you already have an account for Visible Body, please use that log in. If you do not have a log in, you can access through the Library course and create a log in.

What is Visible Body Courseware?

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