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Access to Library Resources & Other Technical Issues: Notifications & Known Problems

The guide covers key information on how to access Library information resources on and off campus

New England Journal of Medicine - Interactive Medical Cases

Publishers don't always set things up to make it easy for institutional subscribers to access their materials. This is one of those times. If you want to access the interactive medical cases from the NEJM, please watch the video or written directions.

Written Directions:

Step 1: Access NEJM from the library URL.

Step 2: Create a personal account on the NEJM site. This account is not associated with DMU in any way.

Step 3: Log off from your personal account. Clear the cookies from your browser.  

Step 4: Access NEJM directly  - not from the library

Step 5: Sign in to your personal account 

You should now be ae able to view the clinical cases.

Ebsco and Cookies

Having trouble accessing an Ebsco product?  Please click on the link below.

Then, click “Remove EBSCOhost Authentication Cookie”. Close the browser and try to access the resource again.

This diagnostic tool is helpful when troubleshooting EBSCO products to  ensure that any "hidden" EBSCO sessions are closed, in addition to clearing out the EBSCO cookies hidden in your browser. 

Off Campus - Can't Open Library Website

Dear Students,

Library staff  have been notified that students may be having trouble viewing the Library website from off campus.  We realize this posting will not reach those of you currently unable to get to the library website, but we felt it was important to post the message in order to make the technology fix available publicly. Thank you for letting us know about the trouble you are experiencing and hope that the following steps will resolve the trouble.

Please use Option 1 before trying Option 2.  These steps are for use on your DMU issued or Windows computer/laptop.

Option 1: Clear your local DNS Cache

  1. Click your START button
  2. Type “command” (no quotes)
  3. Right-Click the Command icon that appears and Run-as-Adminstrator

This will open a black command prompt window.

  1. Type “ipconfig /flushdns” (no quotes) and press Enter

You should see a “Succesfully flushed the DNS resolve cache” message

  1. Reboot your computer


Option 2: Reset the IP stacks

  1. Click your START button
  2. Type “command” (no quotes)
  3. Right-Click the Command icon that appears and Run-as-Adminstrator

This will open a black command prompt window.

  1. Type the following commands and press enter after each one:
    1. Netsh int ipv4 reset
    2. Netsh int ipv6 reset
    3. Netsh winsock reset
  2. Reboot your computer

If the problems persist, please contact the DMU Solutions Hub at or 515-271-1522