A Note on Subject Headings in the Library Catalog
The DMU Library catalog contains subject heading from two different classification schemes: The Library of Congress and MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) used by the National Library of Medicine. When searching library catalogs by subject, please be aware that words/phrases currently in use as subject headings are the official terms recognizing by the cataloging bodies above which most libraries follow. We realize that the term "homosexuality" is considered offensive to the LBGT community. You will find the following subject headings in the library catalog:
- Bisexuality
- Gays
- Gender Identity
- Homosexuality****
- Lesbians
- Sexual minorities
- Transsexualism OR Transgender People
Another option to searching, in addition to searching for words/phrases as official subject headings is to search for relevant terms as keyword searches - which means the term can be found in a title, table of contents, or subject heading field.
You can also search for root forms of a word followed by a * so that variants of the term can be found. For example bisex* will retrieve results for bisexual OR bisexuality.