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Information Literacy Program: Spring 2023 Peer Associate Projects

DMU Library's information literacy program supports all academic programs through direct student and faculty contact in the curriculum and through co-curricular programming and resources.

Spring 2023 Peer Associate Projects

COMLEX Level 1 Prep Resources

Graphic, The LibGuide for Free COMLEX Level 1 Prep Resources

Rainie Scott, DO '25 and Elizabeth Pryor, DO '25 

The Des Moines University Library offers many resources for USMLE/COMLEX studying. This library guide showcases these resources and explain their best use and practices in preparation for COMLEX Level 1 and USMLE Step 1. All of these resources demonstrated are free for DMU students, as access has been supplied by the DMU library. Test preparation can be overwhelming and expensive, and this guide aims to streamline the process of researching, locating, and utilizing these resources to help students be better prepared. 

Collaborative Library Community Learning Project


Graphic showing holding hands, Collaborative Library Community Learning Project

Genevieve Lifka-Reselman, MPH '23 and Fue Vue, DO '25

The Collaborative Library Community Learning Project centers on creating a supportive community of scholarly communication and research. This project involved two sets of events. The first part of the project involved presenting to online Department of Public Health students on some effective research tools and services (October 2022). The second part of the project was to promote library services and resources during National Library Week (April 2023). 

CPMS Resources Workshop

sculpture of man with feet in foreground

Oh My Aching Feet by Deb Gibson, Photographed by Brent Winebrenner, 2019. Wikimedia Commons. CC BY 2.0.

Erin Spieth, DPM '24 

This presentation educated CPMS students about free resources that can be used during their studies at DMU, when they are out on rotations, and even after graduation as residents. 

February 8, 2023