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Scopus: Article Level Metrics

Interdisciplinary journal article citation index plus author, article, and journal level research metrics

iCite and Paperbuzz

Plum X Metrics

"As people interact with research they leave online “footprints.” Plum Analytics gathers these footprints and creates and categorizes metrics on individual pieces of research output (articles, conference proceedings, book chapters, and many more). These metrics are collectively known as PlumX Metrics."1

  • Usage: A way to signal if anyone is reading the articles or otherwise using the research. Usage is the number one statistic researchers want to know after citations.
  • Captures: Indicates that someone wants to come back to the work — can be a leading indicator of future citations.
  • Mentions: Measurement of activities such as news articles or blog posts about research — a way to tell that people are truly engaging with the research.
  • Social media: This category includes the tweets, Facebook likes, etc. that reference the research. Social Media can help measure “buzz” and attention. Social media can also be a good measure of how well a particular piece of research has been promoted.
  • Citations: This category contains both traditional citation indexes such as Scopus, as well as citations that help indicate societal impact such as Clinical or Policy Citations"2

plumx metrics example screen shot

1. How are Article Metrics used in Scopus? - Scopus: Access and use Support Center. Accessed February 7, 2020.
2. Metrics - How Scopus Works - Scopus - Solutions | Elsevier. Accessed February 7, 2020.