Facts about the Library
The DMU Library has been selected as one of two Resource Libraries by the National Library of Medicine in the state of Iowa.
Resource Libraries are designated institutions whose quality and size of collections or uniqueness of materials add significantly to the region's resources. These libraries play a primary role in regional resource sharing and serve as backup reference resources for smaller libraries in their respective states.
Library Collections Room and adjacent spaces:
- Print copies of reserve and board collections available.
- Anatomical models ranging from foot and skulls to full skeleton models.
- Study aids such as whiteboards, noise-canceling headphones, and knot tying boards.
- Games and puzzles for checkout
- Free disposable ear plugs available
- Students have access to printers, copiers, and scanning equipment.
Online Resources:
- Over 26,000 journal titles available online.
- Over 3,200 medical print book collection and access to over 27,000 eBooks.
- Access to multiple health sciences databases and point of care tools.
Library Assistance:
- Library assistance available by our Ask Us! form, email, phone, chat, text, and Waitwhile service
- Available for virtual and in-person research assistance
Study spaces are located in Learning Commons spaces throughout campus: