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Browzine: Export and Share

Read and follow the library’s scholarly ejournals from your mobile device

Export and Save Pdfs to Popular Services

When using the Browzine app, you can open and save your article PDF's in a variety of services, including GoogleDrive, Kindle, Nook, Dropbox, and Evernote. The video below highlights Evernote. 

Share Article Links with Colleages

If you are using the web interface to Browzine, find the drop down arrow to the right of every article. expand down arrowClick on this small icon to reveal your menu options.  

share article

If you are using the mobile app for Browzine, your screen will look a bit different. 

share on mobile

Regardless of which platform you use, you can share a link to the pdf  with your DMU colleagues, or colleagues at other institutions who may also license Browzine. Browzine is smart enough to recognize its customers and allow access to all appropriate users.


Export Citation Data

Browzine makes it easy to gather your references into select citation management software programs. If you are using the web interface to Browzine, find the drop down arrow to the right of every article. expand down arrowClick on this small icon to reveal your menu options.  

Choose Export Citation and select the appropriate citation management software.

export citation