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ProQuest Health Management: Technical Support

Key database to the journal literature for health care administration

Browser requirements for ProQuest Products

To learn more about the the technical requirements to access ProQuest databases, please see Browser requirements for ProQuest Products.

Signing In

Occasionally, you may be asked to sign in to OpenAthens in order to access a database. UpToDate and ProQuest are two of the databases that may prompt you to log into a screen like the one below. 

If you are prompted to log into OpenAthens, you'll encounter the screen below. DO NOT use your DMU login credentials in the Username and Password fields at the top of the login screen. Instead,  go to the "Find your organization" portion of the screen and search Des Moines University. You should see Des Moines University - Osteopathic Med Center as a search result. Click that link.

Once you have clicked the Des Moines University - Osteopathic Med Center link, you will be directed to DMU's Office 365 login screen. Use the same username and password you use to log into Office 365 to access the database you need. 

Step 1: Enter your username:

  • Student -
  • Faculty/Staff -

Step 2: Click Next.

Step 3: Enter your current DMU password and click Sign in.

Phone: 515-271-1537