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Student Publication Process: Student Publication Process

To guide students through the publication process ensuring that proper protocol is followed

Before You Write an Article/Manuscript

Checklist for Student Publication Process

  • Students must work with a faculty mentor on the development and implementation of the data collection and publication.
  • Prior to any data collection to be used for a publication, an IRB application and study protocol must be completed and approved for any study including human subjects (case report/series, survey or clinical study). Contact the DMU Office of Research for assistance.
  • Patient consent must be obtained, if applicable.
  • Mentors should contribute to the writing and/or review of the publication.
  • Students must list faculty mentor as co-author; other authors can be selected based on their role in the project and manuscript. Consult with faculty mentor and see the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) (linked below) and/or CITI Responsible Conduct of Research authorship guidelines.
  • Any funding source(s) should be properly acknowledged.
  • References must be included and formatted in the style of the publication dictated by the journal.

Article must be reviewed by the Office of Research

  • Electronic copy of article should be emailed to Vickie Behrends at
  • Article needs to be submitted two (2) weeks before planned submission.
  • The Office of Research will not be responsible for any publishing fees.


Submitting to BMJ Case Reports

All BMJ publication submissions must:

  • Include a BMJ patient consent form, signed by the patient.
  • Be written using the appropriate BMJ template.

Steps to Submit to BMJ Case Reports

  • Once a manuscript is approved by the research office, contact the library for BMJ Case Report access code.
  • The institutional license access code allows for free submission and free standard publication, if accepted. However, fees will be charged for publishing in Open Access.
  • Payment of publishing fees is the responsibility of the author or his/her mentor’s department.  Fees will not be paid by research without advanced approval for special circumstances. 

Have a question or need more information?   Contact:

Looking for other places to publish?

Here is a list (not all-inclusive) of other places for students to publish:
AMSRJ (The American Medical Student Research Journal) Website is down or defunct.
•Harvard Medical Student Review
•International Journal of Medical Students
•Cambridge Medical Journal
•Student BMJ
•Medical Student Research Journal

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Jill Edgerton