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AMA Manual of Style (11th edition): Paper Writing and Citation Services

Paper Writing and Citation Review services

Academic Support: Paper Writing Services

The Center for Educational Enhancement (CEE) Academic Support team offers support with paper writing that may include general paper writing strategies, proofreading support, establishing a timeline to complete the paper, etc. It can take several drafts to finalize a paper. Therefore, students are encouraged to schedule their appointment with lead time appropriate to the requested service.

Please review the checklist document on this guide for the specific service prior to requesting support.

Do you have a well-developed paper draft in a later stage?

  • Proofreading support focuses on the mechanics of the paper. This includes support with grammar, sentence structure, organization, transitions, word choice, etc.

Do you have a less-developed initial draft of a paper?

  • Paper writing support focuses on the structure of the paper as a whole. This includes support with main ideas/thesis, introduction/conclusion, content development, use of resources, etc. Paper writing support may also include proofreading items.

Are you early on in your paper writing process?

  • Support for long-term planning of a paper focuses on establishing a timeline to complete the paper. This includes support reviewing assignment information, research, time management strategies, writing strategies, etc.

Academic Support does not provide an error-free guarantee of grammar checking, proofreading, etc. Furthermore, Academic Support does not offer services in resumé/curriculum vitae (CV) writing. Students may want to contact the Alumni Sharing Knowledge program through the Alumni office for support in resumé/CV writing.

DMU Library: Citation Services

DMU Library citation review services are offered for writing assignments in DMU courses and support instructor objectives regarding scholarly writing. The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition and the AMA Manual of Style (American Medical Association) 11th edition are the two citation styles primarily supported.

Please use the Paper Writing & Citation Review form to request citation review.

Note: Special arrangements can be made for citation review for articles for publication.

Citation style feedback is provided about:

  • Paper layout, e.g. stipulated title page format, location of page numbers, basic spacing, DOI format, etc.
  • In-text (narrative, parenthetical, numerical) citation
  • Reference list sources
  • Patterns to overall citation errors, such as repeated article title capitalization problems

Citation review is not actual editing and correction of submitted citations.

  • Writers are directed to specific style guidelines when errors are identified in order to review style rules and make corrections themselves. (Note: This practice can be negotiated and modified for articles for publication.)
  • Review process includes accessing most referenced sources in order to verify source type and to identify missing elements of reference citations when necessary.
  • Note: citation review does not include feedback about individual or collective source quality.