Learn about mobile access.| Access to more than 75 medical titles, algorithms, diagnostic tools, clinical calculators, thousands of images, videos, and illustrations, interactive self-assessment, case files, and drug information.
Learn about mobile access - Clinical Key combines a broad range of resources within a single interface: Full-text journals & books; Medline citations; point-of-care clinical overviews; Procedure and surgical videos; Clinical Pharmacology drug monographs.
ebook collections in basic medical sciences, osteopathic medicine, physical examination, family medicine, ob/gyn and more, including cases and multimedia content. The popular Board Review Series and Made Incredibly Easy collections are also on this platform. You do not need to create a personal account to use this collection off-campus as long as you use the library URL.
Learn about mobile access | PubMed provides free access to MEDLINE®, the NLM® database of indexed citations and abstracts to medical, nursing, dental, veterinary, health care, and preclinical sciences journals. A DMU Library icon will display in if you use this customized URL to PubMed. Click on the purple DMU Library icon to connect to article pdf's when the Library has a subscription, or to have the option to order the article through Interlibrary loan.
Scopus is an interdisciplinary citation database of peer-reviewed literature, featuring smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research. Scopus includes Medline as well as most of the references in Embase.
Learn about mobile access | UpToDate® is a physician-authored clinical decision support resource that assists clinicians with point-of-care decisions. Includes easy-to-search graphics and a drug database and drug interactions tool (in partnership with Lexicomp®).